Thursday, April 19, 2012

                      Music Information Technology (MIT)

The convergence of music and computing technologies

The convergence of music and computing technologies has increased the creative possibilities and potential for innovative and diverse new music and media. MIT, the result of the convergence, is related to all kinds of development and applications of Digital Music based on the Musical Acoustics.

The areas of business and employment scope in MIT are music-programming languages, music application software development for music composing, editing, development of Music education aids and application packages, music related entertainment and advertising industry, multimedia products, internet radio/TV station, and ring tones.

A Google search will lead to innumerable products both in music education & entertainment, mainly based on the western music. Such products based on Indian music await a virgin market.

The success story of India in Information Technology (IT) is yet to be emulated with respect to MIT, due to lack of courses in MIT in recognized higher education institutions including IITs and NITs, Universities, etc.

A brief review of the support to MIT in the Western Countries

A brief review of the support extended to MIT in the Western Countries will help to identify the steps for India to move forward.
25 Universities and Colleges in USA offer Postgrad/Graduate Music Technology / Production courses -      music-technology-production-courses/i/lk./all211/1/programs.html
 125 colleges run Undergraduate music technology courses in UK -

5 Universities and Colleges in USA offer Doctoral degree - PhD Music Technology / Production courses- -

Following its lead in Bio-Technology, Nano-Technology & inter-disciplinary research, SASTRA University, Thanjavur, had offered MIT as one of the open electives to B.Tech students from 2011 with encouraging response. Starting from the basics of the Musical Acoustics, the syllabus covered the basis of Indian Raga system, Digital Music including MIDI, Music Programming Languages and Applications. The syllabus was framed by Dr.S.A.Veerapandian, who devised the syllabus for 'Physics of Music' & 'Computer Music' for the University of Madras, as a former member of the Board of Studies of Music.


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